Tag Archives: strengthen

How exactly do cold showers strengthen the immune system?

I’ve only been told that they do, but never how! How does a cold shower strengthen mucous membranes exactly? Or strengthen your immune system?

Does it really keep you from getting colds or the flu, or if you do still get a cold is it just not as bad as if you took just hot showers?

When I say cold shower I mean just a cold blast of water (like a minute or more) at the end of a warm shower… I think taking all cold showers all the time would just be torture…


Digestive Wellness for Children: How to Strengthen the Immune System & Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion

Product Description
“Disgestive Wellness for Children” is a primer for all parents who are interested in learning about, and actively supporting, their children’s digestive health. It provides practical instructions for keeping children healthy, for healing them when they aren’t, and for feeding them healthful foods that will provide the nutrients they need to stay well and strong from infancy through the teen years. The first part of this book is an overview of children’s health is… More >>

Digestive Wellness for Children: How to Strengthen the Immune System & Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion

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