Tag Archives: natural

What natural foods boost the immune system?

I am currently sick with what seems like a sinus infection, I’ve had fever, clogged nose, scratchy and horrible throat, and general body weakness for the past three or four days, and my doctor’s appointment (when I’ll get antibiotics) isn’t until tomorrow. I need to know some things I can eat/do that will boost my immune system so this doesn’t get too bad.

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What is the best all natural immune system booster from a health food store?

I was just really sick and had to be on antibiotics, so once I’m off them and better I’d like to go to the health food store and get things to kind of fix myself up, since taking any kind of “meds” makes me uncomfortable. Are Probiotics or any kind of protein drinks, etc any good? Thanks!


Cold apartment, natural to grow immune to cold?

Cold apartment, is it natural to grow immune to the cold? My boyfriend’s apartment is very old, and drafty, and well cold, the heater barely works so no point in wasting money on it, its not unbearable, I have even grown to not care about cold, tank top and all. I had friends over and they had goosebumps, and I love the heat, is it possible for someone to condition themselves against the cold?
