Category Archives: Questions-Answers

Questions and Answers

Cold apartment, natural to grow immune to cold?

Cold apartment, is it natural to grow immune to the cold? My boyfriend’s apartment is very old, and drafty, and well cold, the heater barely works so no point in wasting money on it, its not unbearable, I have even grown to not care about cold, tank top and all. I had friends over and they had goosebumps, and I love the heat, is it possible for someone to condition themselves against the cold?


Supplements to boost my immune system: Help with allergies?

I am experiencing acute onsets of hay-fever-like symptoms. Very extreme and debilitating–sneezing violently for hours at a time.

Since I have no health insurance, I am treating them with Benadryl and regular bouts of outdoor exercise.

If I take supplements to help with my immune system, will this help with allergies?

I have experimented with this, and determined that whatever sets off the sneezing fits is coming from outdoors, not indoors.
