What formula is best?..?

I currently exclusively breast feed. But my production is low for how much he eats. He is two months old. I have to start supplementing. I know formula with choline and DHA and ARA ingredients are best as they are found in breast milk. Just wanting to know what others use as supplements or who just use formula. I actually am really upset I have to use a supplement I wanted to only breast feed but doctor said I need to if he is eating that much and my production isn’t keeping up. Going to a lactation consultant tomorrow as well this only started over the weekend for me. I been using an immune support formula for the weekend that has the essentials I named above as well as iron. I only have to use formula it seems as a supplement in late afternoons and evenings as the breast milk has run out and not producing fast enough for him by those times. I have a pump and tried that as well to get production going its still the same. not better or worse. Just curious what others do for formula or any similiar situations.

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7 thoughts on “What formula is best?..?”

  1. All formula’s have to meet specific standards so don’t worry about name brands and all that. It all depends on what your baby likes best.

  2. All brands are the same. They all follow the exact some FDA required recipe. As far as what type of formula…you’ll only know that after you feed your baby. Just start out with regular formula, if he has issues then change to one for whatever suits his need. My daughter has been on preemie formula, formula for her stomach, formula for spitting up, we’ve had to mix formulas together, we’ve had to mix formula with breastmilk. It all depends on the baby. All brands are the exact same though.

  3. It’s depend on your baby. All formula is the same. My daughter is on the smiliac advance and she has no problem with that. She’s eating well and gaining weight.

  4. I alway’s liked the enfamil better simply because it did not smell as strong or stain clothes as much. I also breastfed, and then supplemented, and my babies seemed to like it better too. But just like the others said, it really doesn’t matter as far as nutrition.

  5. I am curious to know what makes you think that your supply has decreased?
    At 2 months of age a couple of things happen that make women think they are not producing enough.
    1) The breast become softer – the body is adjusted to what it needs to supply.
    2) A growth spurt. During a growth spurt a baby will nurse constantly it seems for a few days. This is normal as well.

    If it isn’t either one of these reasons please share and i can try to help you.

    Instead of giving formula how about taking some fenugreek.

  6. Is that what your doctor said? That your production is low for how much he eats?

    That doesn’t make any sense. It would make sense if your breasts were vessels like bottles and you “empty” them out and they stay empty until you fill them back up again. But breasts are not like that.

    Your son’s frequent nursing is more likely natures way of INCREASING your supply. Many woman inadvertenly interfere with this by supplementing. And of course, they are advised by doctors who may know a thing or two about babies but REALLY have no understanding of lactation. Breastmilk does not run out.

    How is your baby’s weight? Are you demand feeding or are you sticking to a schedule.? If baby’s weight is fine, don’t even consider supplementing. If you are watching the clock, stop. If your baby wants to nurse for three hours in the evening, find a good book, put your feel up and nurse and relax. It’s normal, called cluster feeding and even when you think you don’t have any more, you actually do, and baby is priming for more.

    Make sure your LC knows you want to nurse exclusively. Make sure she’s an IBCLC as well, and not just a nurse who has breastfed before. If his weight is good, you can EXPECT her to give you advice where you won’t have to supplement. If his weight is dropping, then EXPECT rather than advising supplements, for her to recommend a few changes and frequent followups to ensure the changes have worked.

    While supplementing is common advice from doctors, it’s not common that it’s necessary. It’s just what they know. But LCs are trained in safely solving breastfeeding problems with breastfeeding solutions – not formula.

    IF you should actually require supplementation, there really isn’t one recommended over another.

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