Tag Archives: Remedy

What’s the best natural remedy for boosting your immune system?

My 5-year old daughter is ill with sinus/allergies and, for the next week, will be taking up to 6 different medications to help her. (Three of the meds are “regular” daily meds for her.)

My son is also coming down with sinus/allergies and mine are acting up, too. I’m trying to keep us drowning in chicken noodle soup (canned and homemade), vitamins, fluids, jello…etc. But what else can we do?

Sinus and allergies are a long-standing problem in our family–mostly for my daughter–and we can’t just move (although I’d like to). And, it just disturbs me that she’s on so much medication right now. Aren’t there natural ways for dealing with sinus/allergies and boosting immune systems?