Category Archives: Questions-Answers

Questions and Answers

Anyone have suggestions on how to boost my immune system using natural and/or herbal, dietary supplements?

I was negligent with my diet in younger years, ingesting large amounts of sugar daily, I also had repeated bouts of bronchitis and I didn’t have the funds to visit a doctor for treatment.
Consequently, I now have “fibromyalgia”, very low energy level, salt cravings, and am very easily stressed by things such as crowds, loud noises, bright lights, people who talk too much, etc. I know that my adrenal glands are “depleted”.

How can I boost my immune system? Food/diet, supplements, etc?

I want to know how you can boost and or keep your immune system at its maximum. What supplements and foods should I eat for this?

The reason behind this question is that i am going to be getting prolotherapy in 3 weeks and they say the stronger your immune system is, the better it works. I’m going to see the best prolotherapist in the midwest US.

My immune system is ok i guess. I only get sick about twice a year. However, it takes me about 2 to 3 weeks sometimes to get rid of colds.

What natural foods boost the immune system?

I am currently sick with what seems like a sinus infection, I’ve had fever, clogged nose, scratchy and horrible throat, and general body weakness for the past three or four days, and my doctor’s appointment (when I’ll get antibiotics) isn’t until tomorrow. I need to know some things I can eat/do that will boost my immune system so this doesn’t get too bad.

If I take supplements to boost my immune system, will that help with allergies?

I am experiencing acute onsets of hay-fever-like symptoms. Very extreme and debilitating–sneezing violently for hours at a time.

Since I have no health insurance, I am treating them with Benadryl and regular bouts of outdoor exercise.

If I take supplements to help with my immune system, will this help with allergies?

I have experimented with this, and determined that whatever sets off the sneezing fits is coming from outdoors, not indoors.

What is the best all natural immune system booster from a health food store?

I was just really sick and had to be on antibiotics, so once I’m off them and better I’d like to go to the health food store and get things to kind of fix myself up, since taking any kind of “meds” makes me uncomfortable. Are Probiotics or any kind of protein drinks, etc any good? Thanks!